"Find The Bastards,
Then Pile On." |
Standing Order for Troopers of the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment
in Vietnam issued by its commander, Col. George S. Patton.
Colonel George S. Patton
39th Commander
1923 - 2004 |
Col. George S. Patton is the son of
the famous W.W.II general, Gen. George S. Patton, Jr. Colonel Patton was born
Georges S. Patton, IV but legally changed his name and dropped the roman numerals.
Col. Patton was born December 24, 1923. He retired as Maj. General. Col.
Patton took command of the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment on July 15, 1968. He was
the regiment's 39th commander.
I had the pleasure of meeting "Blackhorse Six" on three separate
occasions. The first meeting is the one that stands out in my mind most
vividly. It was on the occasion of his first visit to K Troop while the troop was on
field operations. Word came to our Troop Commander, Capt. John Longhouser that the
colonel would be visiting us in the field and would have lunch with us. Capt.
Longhouser wanted to make a good impression on the colonel so he order us to "break
out" the officer's mess kit. A kit, I might add, that dated back to the First
World War. It contained a service of 8 and was made of tin. We worked all
morning to clean and polish the kit's utensils. When Col. Patton came through the
chow line, Capt. Longhouser introduced us and then proceeded to hand Col. Patton a plate
and cup from the officer's mess kit. "Oh no," said the colonel.
"I'll eat off of the paper plates just like the men".
Maj. Gen. Patton retired from the Army in 1980 and retired to his home in Hamilton,
Massachusetts. He died from complications of Parkinson's Disease on Sunday, June 27,
2004. His funeral was held on July 7, 2004. His remains are to be intered in
Arlington National Cemetery, August 27, 2004 at 11:00 A.M. Arlington National
Cemetery 703-607-8000.
I attended the General's funeral. Read my account here.
Hamilton Wenahm Chroncile Obituary
- Gen. Patton's Hometown Newspaper.
Gen. Patton's remains were interned Aug. 27, 2004 at Arlington National Cemetery.
See the photos submitted by John Van Nus here.
An excellent book about the general is: "The Fighting Pattons" Brian M.
Sobel. Forward by Maj. Gen. George S. Patton, USA Retired. Praeger Publishers,
88 Post Road West, Westport, CT 06881. 248 pages; photographs; selected
bibliography; index; $49.95.
Robert Patton has written a book titled The Pattons, A Personal
History of an American Family. This paperback sells for $21.95 - ISN