K Troop 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment

The Blackhorse In Vietnam 1966 - 1972

hosted by Bob Hersey


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Tuesday, October 1, 1968

(Editor's Note:  There is no date on this letter nor is there a postmark on the envelope.  It is probably Oct. 1st, 2nd, or 3rd, 1968)

Dear Mom & Dad,

Greetings once agan from Vietnam.  Things are still the same here.  We are still here at Tan Son Nhut.  I am still looking forward to going on R&R the 19th (Oct.).  I think I will be a little shy of cash.  I bought a new camera and it set me back a few bucks.  Right now I have $250.  This will be enought for R&R but I am thinks about when I get back.  Take another $100 out of my bank account and send it along.  I might borraow about $50 before I go.

The camera I bought today is a Petri 35mm.  It's a beautiful camera.  I am also sending along my voters registration card.  Please fill in the correct address and send it to the proper people so I can get my absentee ballot.  I don't know who to send it to so I am sending it along to you.  I am going to make this short because I must get to work so take care.

By for now!


Please send the $100 as soon as you can.

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