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K Troop's convoy makes it way down a Saigon street.

Saigon's streets were wide and tree-lined resembling boulavards found throughout cities of France, expecially Paris.

Editor's Note: On July 10, 2020 I posted this photo in the Facebook Group "Vietnam Veterans Photo Club".  I received a response from Quan Nguyen Thanh who writes, "Crossroad Chi Lăng St. with Nguyễn văn Học St., Gia Định. On the right side of the truck driver is the City Hall of Gia Định. On his left side is the Electricity Office of Gia Định, and then you will see the School of Beaux-Arts of Gia Định.  Thanks for the nice photo. And thanks for having served in Viet Nam.

When I took this photo of K Troop's mess truck in Headquarters Platoon convoy through the streets of Saigon in the summer of 1968 I had no idea where we were in the city, until now, 51 years later thanks to Quan.  Thank you sir.

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