K Troop 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment

The Blackhorse In Vietnam 1966 - 1972

hosted by Bob Hersey

Contributor's Corner

Dan Stroia

K Troop

March  1967 -  January 1968

Web Page - None


Dan Stroia lives in Scottsdale, Arizona with his wife, Barbara and their family.  Dan is an active member of the 11th ACVVC and a frequent contributor to K Troop, 11th ACR Vietnam, hosted by Bob Hersey at Ktroop.com.  In addition, Dan is a close, personal friend.

Pizza For Our Veteran Patients

Dan Stroia began a pilot program over 3 years ago at the VA hospital in Phoenix, Arizona.  The program provides pizza and soda pop to the veteran patients at the Phoenix hospital.  Dan would like to take his program nation wide and invites all members of the 11th Cavalry's Veteran Troopers of Vietnam and Cambodia to join him in providing in their area VA hospitalized veterans with pizza & soda pop.

If you would like to share in this very worthwhile project and put tons of smiles on our fellow veteran patients faces then contact Dan and he will give you all the details that you will need to begin a Thunder Run Pizza Run at your area VA hospital.  Dan says that the only cost to you would be your time.  Funds for the program may be provided  by veterans organizations such as the DAV, VFW, American Legion and others.  For additional information visit here and look for entries 474 through 478.

Dan Stroia
K Troop 11th ACR, Vietnam '67-'68
8350 E. McKellips #158
Scottsdale, AZ 85257

Cell 480 242 7040


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