K Troop 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment

The Blackhorse In Vietnam 1966 - 1972

hosted by Bob Hersey

Contributor's Corner

John Shelburne
John Shelburne

K Troop

Jan. 1968 - Jan. 1969


Staff Sergeant John Shelburne lives in Boones Mill, Virginia.  John served in K Troop's 2nd Platoon at the same time as I served.  He was the track commander of K-20.  John has a large collection of 8mm movies that he shot while in Vietnam.   He has submitted a photo of his crew.  They are John Sullivan, left gunner John Little and right gunner Frank Root.  If you can identify the crewmember with the hat, please let John know.

John Shelburne's K-20 Crew - 1968

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