K Troop 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment

The Blackhorse In Vietnam 1966 - 1972

hosted by Bob Hersey

Contributor's Corner


William PowisWilliam Powis

HHT 2/11 and 2/11 ACR


Web Page - none

William Powis lives in Yucaipa, California.  Bill served two tours of duty in Vietnam, both with the 11th ACR. First, Bill served with HHT 2/11 and then with 2/11 ACR (he doesn't tell us which troop or company). Bill sent these photos. Anyone remember "Black Virgin Mountain"?

Nui Ba Din - "Black Virgin Mountain"
Base Camp Dian
Shelter at Base Camp Dian
Dog Gone Good Duty
Mud Road
Bill Powis

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