Michael "Mike" Matta
K Troop July 1970
to Nov. 1970
Assigned To I Troop Nov., 1970
Web Page
Mike Matta served with K Troop as an armor crewman until Nov. of 1970
when he was assigned to I Troop, 3rd Sqd. 11th ACR. He has submitted the following
photos. Mike is asking for anyone who served with him to contact his
wife Judy to substantiate a VA
claim. Mike remembers a fellow soldier nicknamed "Red" from
California who was killed in action sometime around July of 1970. If
you remember Red or Mike please get in touch with Mike's wife Judy.
Thanks Judy for submitting Mike's photos.
In The Jungle
105 mm Howitzer Mobil Artillery Piece
The Boys - Mike Matta And His
Crewmembers Inside His ACAV