Doug Kibbey commanded G-71 of the 2nd Squadron of the 11th ACR in 1972. He has
submitted several photos. One is of a miniature M113s used by radar scientists.
Another contribution is that of a poster which hangs on Doug's office wall at home.
M113 scale model (1:16).
Description as described by Mr. Kibbey.
The photo is "Courtesy of UML submillimeter wave technology lab. These are
1:16 scale models used by the submillimeter wave technology laboratory (a radar research
contractor) used to determine radar cross-section. They are made from 'correct' materials
(note aluminum CNC machining, wood-handled pioneer tools & surfboard, and plastic
water jerrycan) to EXACTING scale and therefore VERY expensive - from ten to fifty
thousand dollars, depending on complexity. Just thought your guys might find these
interesting to look at.
Doug Kibbey recommends the following websites:
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