Gary M. Johnson
B Troop
1966 - 1967
Web Page - none
S/Sgt. Gary Johnson served in B Troop, 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment as Track Commander
(TC) of B-22. Gary lives in Dewey, Arizona. He has contributed the following.
Blackhorse Patch - Photo - Subdued, Olive
Map - Blackhorse Base Camp (area of
operations) Routes 1 and 2.
Ambush - C Troop ambush, November 21, 1966. (Photo by John
Quinn). This photo of the C Troop ambush was mistakenly identified as the
site of the K Troop ambush of May 21, 1967. Gary confirmed that it was not K Troop's
ambush after talking with reliable sources at the Washington, DC reunion of the 11ACVVC in
August of 2001.
Gary Johnson writes about the photo: " I was the
track commander (TC) on B-22. I was not there when this photo was taken but my
driver, John Quinn, sent me the photo after we returned from Vietnam. I Have just the
one". In another letter, Gary writes, "the photo of what I thought
was of the K Troop ambush is not. Showed the photo to Sgt. Pittman and he so much as
informed me that it was not the K Troop ambush. The rome plows had cleared the
jungle back from the road prior to the ambush so it couldn't have been of the
ambush. I have two confirms that it was of C troops ambush of Nov 21, 1966.
I had to be there on the reaction force with B troop and I don't recall it at all.
Sgt. Swindler, my platoon Sgt. at the time, took a look at the photo and
he said it was C Troop as did the driver for the Co. B Troop, Captain
"16 Americans . . Die in . . Ambush"
- AP News Article May 21, 1967