K Troop 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment

The Blackhorse In Vietnam 1966 - 1972

hosted by Bob Hersey


Daytona Beach 2004


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Saturday - August 10, 2002

Emcee: Chuck Schmidt

6:00 p.m.:  Reception . . . . . . . . No Host Cocktails
7:00 p.m.  National Anthem . . . . All
7:00 p.m.:  Invocation . . . . . . . Chaplain Larry Haworth
7:00 p.m.:  Introduction Of Special Guests
7:30 p.m.:  Dinner
8:15 p.m.:  Regimental Update - Reg. Commander  Peter C. Bayer, Jr
8:30 p.m.: Introduction of Guest Speaker
8:30 p.m.:  Guest Speaker . . . . CSM Don Horn, Retired
9:00 p.m.:  Acknowledgements, Presentation of Awards and Scholorships, Raffle                    Winners Announced
9:30 p.m.: Closing Ceremony - Vietnam Song . . . Jim Holt - Blackhorse Salute - Taps -                    Benediction, Chaplain Larry Haworth.
10:00 p.m.: Dance

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