
The "Orderly Room" is basically the "office". The
Commanding Officer, the Executive Officer (if he's lucky), the First Sargent and the
Company Clerk all have their desks here. In addition to the desks, chairs, coffee
mugs and magazines in the drawers, you will find the file cabinets and this is what this
page is really all about. The paperwork. Boring? I don't think so.
Official documents and not so official documents are here like an inspiring letter from
Gen. Creighton W. Abrams. Bob's 201 file for example along with his DD Form
214. His letters home, his Daily Report (Chronology Of Events) and other odds 'n
ends are here too.
If you think that the Orderly Room has more about Bob than you really care to know then
you probably should return to the previous page. But, if you want to discover some
interesting and (dare I say) extremely fascinating tidbits, then this is the place for
Click on one of these links below and discover the hidden, inner secrets of a
"Combat Cook". It's all here in its open, frank and unabashed form.
Don't say I didn't warn you.
The Company Clerk's War Dictionary
Every word you ever used in Vientam and more besides.
My 201 File
MY Daily Report
My Letters Home
My Audio Tapes Home 
Letter Of Commendation - Maj. Middaugh
Gen. Creighton W.Abrams - Letter To Returnees