K Troop 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment

The Blackhorse In Vietnam 1966 - 1972

hosted by Bob Hersey


Photo On My Stationery

Wednesday, October 16, 1968

Dear Mom & Dad,

Greetings once again from Vietnam.  I am writing this letter from Base Camp.   I got here Monday and I will leave here tomorrow morning.  I will stay overnight tomorrow at Camp Alpha, which is at Tan Son Nhut and my flight is Friday morning at about 9:00 AM. 

In these past two days here I have been making the necessary arrangements for my R&R.  My khakis have been cleaned and pressed.  I have my checks cashed.   My bags are packed and I am already to go.  Bob Nacy, who is going with me, is also here with me.  So, we will stay together from here on in.

By the time that you get this letter, I will probably be in Bangkok.  I will try and write a couple of times but if I get too wrapped up I will not.  So, don't worry if you don't hear from me for about five days.  I am going to cut this letter off as I have to go to formation.  So, don't worry.  I will try to have a good time.

By for now!


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