K Troop 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment

The Blackhorse In Vietnam 1966 - 1972

hosted by Bob Hersey


Photo On My Stationery

Thursday, October 24, 1968

(Editor's note:  On the top right corner of the first page are two lines of hand written Thai.  The name of the girl whom I met and my name.)

Dear Mom & Dad,

Greetings once again from Vietnam.  I made it back to the war OK.  There is no need to tell you that I had a good time because I told you that before I left.  I really had a great time.  I am now doing all that I can to get back there.  I met a really nice girl there and I told her that I would try to get back there.   (Editor's note: The next three sentences have been redacted for privacy.)  She said that she would like to go to America some day if she could find the right man who would marry her and take there there.  Imagine that?  I hope she wasn't referring to me.

She said that she would write to me here and she asked me to write to her.  I wrote her yesterday and thanked her for such a wonderful time and told her that I would like to come back to Bangkok again.

Bob Nacy and I stayed at the same hotel.  We decided that we should not share a room but have separate ones.  That gave each of us more privacy.  The hotel was nice.  In the lobby, a bunch of locals were always around the TV watching Thai boxing- sort of a combination of prize fighting and kick boxing and placing bets with each other.  It's pretty interesting.  The hotel that we stayed in was very nice.

Bob and I hired a taxi driver to take us around for the week.  We ate one of our meals in a French restaurant.  I had the best French onion soup that I've ever had and the Thai beer is some of the strongest that I've ever had, too.

Bangkok is a beautiful city.  We took a tour of the entire city the first day.   We went by the presidential palace and saw quite a few monuments.  I took plenty of pictures.  I can't wait to get them developed.  I will send them home when I get them back.

One day, we went to a sort of a Disneyland  called "Timland".  It was a theme park with all sorts of exhibits.  It was great.  There were elephants working and a snake pit.  They had cock fights and sword fights (demonstrations, not real fights).  Bob and I had a real good time.

Well, I will write more later.  Stay well.

By for now!


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