(Editor's note: This letter was not dated. It was probable written on or
about February 26, 1969.)
Dear Mom & Dad,
Greetings once again from Vietnam. Just a short note to let you know that
everything is alright and going well. Perhaps you may have heard that Bien Hoa and Long Binh area were rocketed and attacked by enemy ground
forces. You might have been worrying a little about me. Well, how is this for
good luck - we moved out of Bien Hoa the day before
they got hit.
We are now at (get this) Tan Son Nhut - almost the same location as we were before.
However, this time we are inside Tan Son
Nhut. We are set up with the 1st Squadron, 17th Armored Cavalry Regiment of the
82nd Air Borne. Fortunately enough, we are using there Mess Hall. we have
consolidated everything, cooks included. You might guess what they've got me doing?
Yep, night baking. I work every night. I have one of our new cooks
helping me so it isn't too bad. I have all day off and nobody bothers me.
Tomorrow, I am going to (editor's note: the next two words are redacted for privacy) in
Saigon providing they put Saigon on limits.
Saigon is suppose to go on limits tomorrow. I certainly hope so.
All in all, this is a good place to wind up a tour of duty here in Vietnam. I
guess it looks like I will be coming back here for six more months (Vung Tau, that is).
Of course, I am still coming home for a 30 day leave the 11th of April, so no sweat
there. They told me the name of the unit I was going to but I forgot - some support
unit. So it looks pretty good. No orders yet so nothing official - just
So, until my next letter . . . .
By for now!
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