Dear Mom & Dad,
Greetings once again from Vietnam. I had a chance to use a typewriter so I am.
Things are going well here however, I will be going out to the field tomorrow so I
wanted to get this letter off to you tonight. I will be out there for about one week
so I probably won't be able to write very often while I'm there. So if you don't get
a letter for a while don't worry about it. I will be quite busy for a week.
The troop is located very close to Phu Loa which is only about 12 miles North of
Saigon. They are set up in the field away from civilization. It will be pretty
rough for a week but then I will be back here for a week. I don't know how long the
operation is going to last. - possibly 90 days. I hope not.
I received your check for 30 buck today. Thanks. I told you in my last
letter that I also have received all of your packages to date. It rains here every
day now and it gets pretty muddy. The troop is operating in rice paddies.
There is no need to tell you what that is like. So far, the troop has tallied a
fairly large body count and they have captured quite a few of the enemy. The morale
of the troop is the highest it's been for quite some time.
Things are going well in the mess hall. I told you that I made Sp/5 but I have
not received my orders yet - perhaps next month. I also received your tape today.
It is always good to hear your voices. Do send more very soon. I enjoy
them quite a lot.
Well, I will sign off now so that I can get this letter on its way. Take care of
yourselves and don't worry about me. I am fine and in good hands. Col. Patton
is looking out for me - ha, ha. Well, I will say so long.
By for now!
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