K Troop 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment

The Blackhorse In Vietnam 1966 - 1972

hosted by Bob Hersey


Photo On My Stationery

Monday, August 12, 1968

Dear Mom & Dad,

Greetings once again from Vietnam.  Forgive me for not writing lately but I have been very busy.  Perhaps I told you (I don't know) but I went to the "boondocks" for three days and when I got back from the field, I was so tired I went right to bed.  During those three days I got a grand total of two hours of sleep. 

The Squadron is on a search and destroy operation and they moved around every day.   All I was out in the field for was to cook breakfast.  The supper meal was air lifted by helicopter from here.  "Here" is the 101st Airborne base camp at Bien Hoa.  The squadron is operating around Phu Loa.  You won't find this on your map because Phu Loa is like Long Binh.  It's a base camp for the 1st Infantry Division.  It's approximately 12 miles due North of Saigon.  There isn't too much civilization around there.  It's pretty far out in the sticks.

This is the first opportunity that I have had to go on a search and destroy operation.   Because of the danger and hazards involved it was decided that we would alternate cooks every three days and believe me, three days is a long time on one of these operations.  To look on the bright side of things.  In six days the operation had captured over 100 VC and killed 30.  K Troop only killed one VC but he turned out to be a political strong-arm in the village.  Captain Longhouser was real happy about that.  When they killed him I was listening to the radio on HQ Platoon 4-0 Track (ACAV).  While I was pulling my guard duty in the cupola.  3-5 Track, Lt. Stillwell's Track is the one that got him.  So old Stillwell was pretty cocky that next day.  They got the VC with an M-79 grenade (launched from an M-79 grenade launcher, not thrown).

In the Army we have what is called the phonetic alphabet.  The alphabet for VC is "Victor Charlie".  Thereby shortening it to "Charlie".  So this is how Charlie got his name.  I am now back a Bien Hoa and I 'm having a good time.  The rain is getting worse every day.  We are right in the middle of the monsoon.

I imagine that the summer for you is most gone.  It won't be long before school will start and you will be going back to work Ma.  I received your letter, Ma.   About giving my tape recorder to Tina - this is fine with me.  I'm only too happy that someone can get some enjoyment out of it.  Tell Tina that she can keep the recorder.

I'm glad that you are keeping my short-timers calendar up to date Dad.  I have been a little lax but every now and then I figure out my days and keep it up to date.  Things here are going about the same.   There are no big offensives by Charles going on.  It's getting so now that we have to go looking for him.  Dave is still on R&R to Hong Kong.  He's due back in a couple of days.  So, until I write again, take care.

By for now!


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