K Troop 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment

The Blackhorse In Vietnam 1966 - 1972

hosted by Bob Hersey


Photo On My Stationery

Wednesday, May 29, 1968
11:00 AM
95 degrees - cloudy

Dear Mom & Dad,

Greetings once again from Vietnam.  Well, this letter finds me in another location.  This time in Duc Hoa (about 20 miles Northwest of Saigon).  I don't know if I wrote you at our last location or not.  I think I did, though.  We were only there four days.  We were suppose to be there for ten days but things started happening around Saigon again so we moved here.  They say we will be here until the 15th of June but that could change.  At least it gives us something to look forward to. 

The last location was where the swimming pool was.  When we get a good location, we only stay for a couple of days but when we get a lemon, like this one, we stay for weeks.  We are right smack dab in the middle of a rice paddy.  We moved yesterday and got set up here at about 4:00 PM.   During the process of moving, I lost my camera.  I think it fell out of the truck while we were going down the road.  I would appreciate it very much if you would take the money out of my bank account and send another one just like it.  It shouldn't cost more than $35.  It's just like Dad's 35mm.  I would appreciate it if you could send it as soon as possible. 

Of course it was unfortunate that I lost the camera but it's gone and there is nothing that I can do to get it back.  I do need another camera.  I would be lost without one.  So far, I have taken four rolls of color slides but I have not been able to get them developed.  I will wait until I get back to Blackhorse.  I have taken some good pictures.  You will find them very interesting.  When you send the camera, also send a case with a strap. 

The last letter I received from you was your letter of the 21st, Ma.  You asked quite a lot of questions in it but first I have one which I have been meaning to ask your.   Dad, did you ever get my stereo from the electronics repair store next to Les'.   I have been wondering if they got it converted to US current all right and how much did it cost.  You know it won't be long now that I will be home to enjoy it again - just 10 months.

Now, to answer your questions.  What do the men eat at lunch, "K" rations?  No, they eat "C" rations.  "K" rations went out after W.W.II.  How is my razor going?  Good.  Do you need any batteries. No, not for my razor but yes for the tape recorder - size "C".

I got a letter from Cliff the other day and I wrote him right away.  It was good to here from him.  Things are still the same here - as well as can be expected under the circumstances.  Still no contact with the enemy.  In two more days it's pay day.  Be looking for my allotment and write me when it comes.  Give me the exact amount of the check.  It may not be exactly $200.

Well, I will sign off for now.  Take care of yourselves.

By for now!


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