K Troop 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment

The Blackhorse In Vietnam 1966 - 1972

hosted by Bob Hersey


Photo On My Stationery

Saturday, March 15, 1968
23 days and a wake up

Dear Mom & Dad,

Greetings once again from Vietnam.  I am sitting here in the mess hall at Bien Hoa with a few moments on my hands so I thought I would type you a few lines.  I wrote you a letter the day before yesterday so by now you know doubt have learned that my intentions are to come on directly home rather than go on to Florida.  I have reasons to believe that I may be flying directly to Ft. Dix, New Jersey instead of Oakland.

All the port calls that have come down for March are for Ft. Dix so there is a good chance that I will be going there.  If I don't go there, I can still catch a flight to Boston from Oakland without much trouble.  This way will avoid any last minute confusion and besides, I would like to talk with Herb Crowley about buying a new car.   If I decide to buy a car I will take it to Florida with me when you meet me there and then I will drive directly to Ft. Benning from there.

I would like to see Dick and all of the rest of the family as soon as I get home.   I would also like to go up and see Dave while I'm home on leave.

It doesn't look as if my extension is going to be approved.  It would seem to me that if it were, it would be approved by now.  So, apparently no action is going to be taken on it.  My orders to Ft. Benning will remain as they are.  In a way I am a little disappointed about not getting it but like I told you - "it's six of one or half a dozen of another."  I guess I can put up with Ft. Benning for eight more months.

Time here has been going quite rapidly considering.  With my four day drop I got short all of a sudden.  I am going back to base camp five days prior for clearing.   I don't want to go back any sooner for I may get stuck pulling bunker guard and all the other bull shit back there.

But, as far as things go now, everything is alright.  So don't worry about anything and I will see you in 23 days.  So, until I write again, take care and . . . .

By for now!


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