K Troop 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment

The Blackhorse In Vietnam 1966 - 1972

hosted by Bob Hersey


Photo On My Stationery

Saturday, June 22, 1968
12:00 Noon
98 degrees - clear

Dear Mom & Dad,

Greetings once again from Vietnam.  Well, another day shorter.  time is flying by.  I'm down to 296 days.  "Short".  Well, not really but I'm getting there.  I just got through writing a letter to Cliff.  I picked up today's newspaper and on the back page in the "Pin Up" section they had a picture of Karol Kelly, that girl that we say at Bush Gardens.  The one that does the weather on the Tampa TV station.  I sent Cliff the picture.  He will give me the address of the TV station and I am going to write to her.  Perhaps she will send me a picture of herself.

Well, we are still here at Long Binh.  I'm going swimming later on.  It's really hot today.  That water will seem good.  Later on the evening I'm going to the movies.  This place is better than Blackhorse.  I would much rather be in the field than at Blackhorse any day.  In the field you don't have to work so hard.   Back at Blackhorse we cook three meals a day and with only two cooks on a shift, it was quite a lot of work.  We are suppose to be here for two weeks and then back to Blackhorse. 

If we are going to spend much time back there, I think that I will but a TV.  Sony has a small (9 inch) portable for $115.  It has a battery which is rechargeable.   The reception is great.  It would be nice for when I get home and take it to Florida with me.  I am also going to buy a tape recorder like the one that Dick has.   they have one here for $238 without the speakers.  It's a little different than Dick's - a later model, I think.  There are a lot of things I would like to get if only I had the money.  Everything here is rationed so you're only aloud to buy one of everything.  One TV, one radio, one tape recorder etc.  I may write and ask for a few dollars later on but don't send any yet.  I will see if I can save any here.

Well, I would like to get into the water so until I write again . . .

By for now!


PS:  No package as of yet.  I received package number four from Lucy.   What happened to two and three?  Also, I've enclosed a few pages from our newspaper and a few pictures of the Cav.

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