Dear Mom & Dad,
Greeting once again from Vietnam. Well, we finally made it to Blackhorse and boy
does it feel good to be back. Unfortunately, we are only going to be here until
Sunday, then it's back to the field for two more weeks. We have to go to Long Binh
for some kind of security and then we are suppose to come back to Blackhorse. In a
way it will be kind of nice because they have a swimming pool there. It's the same
place we were before where the swimming pool was so I'm kind of looking forward to it.
Today I baked for the first time. I made rolls. They turned out good.
I got a compliment from my CO, Capt. Longhouser. The reason I haven't been
baking in the field is because we don't have time and it's too difficult. It seemed
good to get back in the dough.
Things are going great. The time is flying by. After tomorrow, I will have
nine months and days left. In case you're wondering, I rotate from here the 14th of
April, 1969. I say this just in case you want to keep score. I have 305 days
left as of today. I'm getting short. I got a letter from my old Mess Sargent
in Germany today. He says things are still the same - same old crap.
Well, this is another day. It's Friday. Last night while writing this
letter we had a practice alert. It lasted an hour. So I didn't get a chance to
finish this letter. Tomorrow night we have a Troop party. It should be quite a
big drunk. There is no one in the Army that can drink like the cavalry. The
only thing we drink here in Blackhorse is beer but there are other posts were an enlisted
man can buy hard stuff. Because we are in a vulnerable position here it wouldn't be
too good to have half these guys drunk.
Well, I got your camera yesterday, Dad. I told you that I didn't want yours but
wanted you to buy me another one. So, take the money out of my bank account and go
buy yourself one. You were concerned whether or not I lost my flashgun. No,
just the camera was lost. I have several rolls of film I will have to get developed
soon. They are all slides. So when I get home I will have quite a lot of
slides to show.
Well, I am going to cut his letter short because I've got to go on shift in 15 minutes.
I just thought that I would write and let you know that we arrived here alright -
safe and sound. Things are going well. I'm getting plenty of rest. So,
until my next letter, take care of yourselves.
By for now!
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