K Troop 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment

The Blackhorse In Vietnam 1966 - 1972

hosted by Bob Hersey


Photo On My Stationery

Monday, July 15, 1968
78 degrees - rain

Dear Mom & Dad,

Greetings once again from Vietnam.  Well, as always, things are still the same.   We are still at Blackhorse however, we move out for Long Binh on the 20th.  In my previous letter I asked for $30.  Perhaps you have already sent the money but if not, I would appreciate it if you could send it as soon as possible.

You said that you are making a package to send.  Here is a list of things that I need: scotch tape, black magic markers (3), "C" batteries, and batteries (2) for my flash gun (Mallory M504-15V).  The make of my flash gin is "Gold Crest BC8".  The trouble with my flash gun is that the batteries are dead.  Send along too my slide viewer, photo mailers to mail Kodak film in to Kodak for processing, Tri-X Pan b&w ASA 400 speed film - about five rolls.  Also, send along 1 roll of Plus X Pan ASA 125 mailer.  In the future, if you would like to send me some film I use Kodachrome II color slides 20 and Tri-X Pan b&w prints.

If you send the film, make sure the processing is included in the price.  If not, send the appropriate mailer to accompany them.  Mailers are hard to come by over here.  So far I have five boxes of slides processed.

In regards to the tee shirts, I have all I need for a while.  When you send my slide viewer, make sure you send enough batteries.  Right now I can't think of anything else that I need.

After we get back from Long Binh we are suppose to go on a 90 day operation either up North around Pleiku or down to the Delta.  I don't know if the mess section is going or not but it looks as if we will.  Oh well, I guess we can't stay at Blackhorse forever.  Things are going good here.

(Editor's note: the next two paragraphs are redacted for personnel reasons.)

Well, it's getting late and I would like to get this in the mail.  So, until I write again . . .

By for now!


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