K Troop 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment

The Blackhorse In Vietnam 1966 - 1972

hosted by Bob Hersey


Guest Book

Guest Book


Name: Greg Chapin
Email: ford6444411@yahoo.com
Date: 12 Feb 2001


Name: Lester Wiese Sr
Email: chiefles@juno.com
Webpage: N/A
Date: 12 Feb 2001


Very interesting,I enjoy reading about the war. Hate novels, true stories are very touching. I was on a ship and didn't really know what was happening on land. Thanks Les.

Name: Jesse L. Griffin, Jr.
Email: maniacred@talkcity.com
Date: 10 Feb 2001


Very nice website. I did a Marine tank tour, and an Army AirCav tour. Jul 68 to Mar 70 and Oct 71 to Aug 72. I'm what you call a Double Jeopardy Vet. I've found four others that are the same.

Name: J. M. Tesmond
Email: jjmtesmd@msn.com
Date: 10 Feb 2001


Great site

Name: Opperman, Brian
Email: araeopperman@hotmail.com
Webpage: none
Date: 08 Feb 2001


I just wanted to say, i think that your web site is realy cool. I just joined the navy myself and after going through bootcamp and now that im in school i have gained a lot of respect for those atempting to improve themselfs and those who have been in the military. Thank you for the website and for your patrisom. please exuse my spelling i'm not the best but improving every day. again thank you!

Name: Alan E Krambeer
Email: AKram10032@aol.com
Date: 06 Feb 2001


Great site.K trp 86-89.

Name: Bob
Email: jaredari@earthlink.net
Date: 05 Feb 2001


Good job Bro!! WELCOME HOME!!

Name: Amanda
Email: anpgorrell@aol.com
Date: 05 Feb 2001


Wonderful site. It is so rare to see positive memories of Vietnam, you are a credit to your country and your service!

Name: David M. Cobb
Email: cobbd@att.net
Date: 05 Feb 2001


Brings back a lot of memories- Vietnam 68-69

Name: Cletus J. Stock Jr.
Date: 04 Feb 2001


I Was with K Trp. and M Co. '69-'70.

Name: Eduardo R Tabarez
Email: edtabarez@aol.com
Date: 04 Feb 2001


Great website with alot of good and unforgetable memories which as a retiree (US Army 1971-1991) I am glad to see and relate and of course pass on to my kids and grandkid to try to make them understand what a great country we are living because of the freedom others fought and died for and at the same time we have the unfortunate vets still suffering day to day. Have a great day, Army all the way.

Name: Tom Coats
Email: viettom@yahoo.com
Date: 03 Feb 2001


I was an Army paratrooper with the 173rd ABN BDE during my tour in 1968. Great to see the war from the viewpoint of a "combat cav cook!" Enjoyed, best wishes brother!

Tom Coats Richmond, VA

Name: Allie Ashworth
Email: aashworth101@ hotmail.com
Date: 03 Feb 2001


I was at Nha Trang Air Base About the same time you were in the Nam.

Name: Gary T. Fish
Email: garfish@gbcnet.net
Date: 03 Feb 2001


Bob--Just found your site, and intend to research it throughly. Thanks for, finally, showing/giving we military cook's and baker's some well deserved recognition. My service "food service" training and experiences, gave me a head start on my final civilian occupation, education in food related subjects. I spent 25 years doing this, and am now retired. My military time was spent inthe Air Force and Army, for a total of 12 years, 4 of which were spent oveseas.

Name: Terry Masker
Email: terry_masker@yahoo.com
Date: 03 Feb 2001


I was really impressed with your story on the mess hall. I can really relate to your story. I was a cook with the 1st.bat. 2nd inf.of the 1st inf.div. stationed in Vietnam from July-67 tru July-68. Like yourself, we went every place that the company went. I spent about 8 months of my year in the boonies with the troops where I made a lot of friends who gave me the respect that I felt that I deserved. A lot of former soldiers here in the states today kind of look down at cooks in Vietnam, thinking that we had it made. Like you said, we moved every time the company moved, sometimes in some pretty bad places. We cooked with one hand and held our m-16 with the other. When Tet started, the worst time was in the morning when it was still dark and we had to start breakfast. Some people wonder how I got a CIB because I was "only a cook", but as you and I know, we deserved it. Welcome home. Terry

Name: Glenn L. McGinnis
Email: gmcginnis@2fords.net
Webpage: www.familytreemaker.com/users/m/c/g/Glenn-L-Mcginnis/ Date: 03 Feb 2001


I was in Bad Kissingen, Germany with Btry. A, 1st. How. Bn. 92nd. Armored Field Artillery from Feb. 1957 to June 1959, when I came home for my discharge. I now live in Rockport, Texas.

Name: Chip Haggett
Email: seahagg14@webtv.net
Date: 03 Feb 2001


Bob you have done a super job with this site ! I was not in Vietnam and can only read the accounts of what took place .I was stationed in Augsburg Germany with the 502nd ASA HQ Group from 71-74.All my respect and thanks to you !!!

Name: SSG(Ret) Susan Powers
Email: powers23@marshall.edu
Date: 03 Feb 2001


What a great web site. Thanks for what you & the other guys did in Vietnam. You are appreciated!

Name: Nguyen Truong Thinh
Email: thinhnt@hcm.vnn.vn
Date: 02 Feb 2001


My father is SSgt/Interpreter Nguyen Quang Tri (ARVN). He is 52 years old and works for SamSung in Binh Duong Province. He served for 3rd Sqd. 11th ACR. He told me many stories about his old unit which he had served, under command of Col. Patton.

My father worked for 2nd Sqd. E, G, and F troops and H Co. Also HHT 3rd Sqd., 541st MID of 11th ACR. He was often on missions (Med Cap) with doctor Cpt. Sandrock and Medic Sam (forget last name). Now, my father wants to know these men.

My father’s wants to know about F troop commander Cpt. McAdam (KIA). He was shot on helicopter by VC sniper. He also wants to know about : Cpt. Philpot (May be wrong spelling the name) E troop Co., Cpt. Hudson G Troop Co., Maj. Melton 541st MID Co., Cpt. Petefish 541st MID Staff, 1st Lt. Knepper 541st MID Staff.

Who was the ARVN interpreter for K Troop from 1968 to 1969? He remembers SFC Sanh as interpreter for HHT 3/11th now believed to be in US. Look at all of your pictures for over 30 years ago, my father wants to cry when he imagines of the past. Please help my father find these men.

Best Regards Nguyen - Truong - Thinh ( Vietnam )

(Editor’s Note: If you know any of the men that Thinh is seeking information about for his father Tri, please write to him at his e-mail address above)

Name: John Binfield
Email: bin563@earthlink.net
Date: 02 Feb 2001


Even though I was never in Nam or in the Army, it was very enjoyable reading about your tour as a cook/baker in Viet Nam. I was a Marine at Nam Phong, Thailand ('72 & '73, 3rd Marine Division, Bulk Fuel Platoon) and the story really hit home. Some times the food was so "Gourmet" that I ate C Rats instead of powdered eggs, milk and bug juice. I did pull my share of mess duty at Parris Island and can still remember scraping fish off of what seemed like hundreds of baking sheets. By the Way Good Work and WELCOME HOME !!

Name: dede spangler
Email: dedespangler@aol.com
Date: 02 Feb 2001


I just finished reading one of your stories and got your web address. I liked your story very much and plan to check out your whole site.

Name: Bill Fountain
Email: royal@lighthouse.net
Date: 02 Feb 2001


I served with HHQ troop/1st 11 ACR from July 1968 to March of 1970 On an M-88. When the Cav went home I was transfered to the 5th Special forces groop for my remaining tour. This web sight brings back some good as well as bad memories. I was very happy to find it , And I'm sure my 88 was at one of your ndp's for a while to replace a final drive. Do you know of any other 11 ACR web sites?

Name: Byron Miller
Email: byron13@nu-world.com

Date: 02 Feb 2001


Bob, I was not in the army, I was station aboard A heavy cruiser, the USS Toledo in the navy between 1956 and 1959. Your story about signing a contract to be a baker caught my eye and reminded me of the days when I had mess duty aboard ship. Although I hated the duty I made the best of it. I usually got the spud locker and was assigned making salads and salad dressings. I never followed the military recipes so I became a favorite because of it. I like your site and will return to read more of your experiences. Chears, Byron

Name: Glenda Martin
Email: snickers@shadrach.com
Date: 01 Feb 2001


I read the sites around & associated with with the Miitary.com site to keep in touch with pals from mid-60's; really enjoyed your page, Bob; keep up the good work and thanks for the insight.

Name: Ronald Banks
Email: RBanks@bsd.ci.houston.tx.us
Date: 01 Feb 2001


Black horse resident from Aug67 - Aug 68 HHT 3 Next door neighbors to K-troop

Name: Don Tilley
Email: tango73@hotmail.com
Date: 01 Feb 2001


Although I wasn't in the 11 ACR I was in the Big Red One 2/2 Inf Mech your photos brought back a lot of memories because we worked some of the same areas, WOW I hadn't thought of Dog Leg Village in a loooong time. Thanks!!

Name: Michael Schaefer
Email: mjschaefer@prodigy.net
Webpage: http:/pages.prodigy.net/mjschaefer
Date: 30 Jan 2001


Thankyou Bob for the great site and all the time and effort that it took. Mike Schaefer H co. 2/11 ACR tank driver H-66 july 67-july 68

Name: M. Pravettoni
Date: 29 Jan 2001


3/11 K troop

Name: Daniel L. Vannatta
Date: 26 Jan 2001


I am not currently online but can be reached at : P.O.Box 1045 Honesdale, Pa. 18431 I an interested in hearing from people that was in 3rd 11th , 1966 to 1967 , K-Troop

Name: Bernie
Email: BGW673@AOL.COM
Webpage: http://www.bgwlottosix.com
Date: 26 Jan 2001


Very nice site here Bob. Keep up the Good work. Sgt. Wilson 11th A/C 3rd Sq K-Troop

Name: James  Hendrix
Email: Dhend20161@aol.com
Date: 25 Jan 2001


HHT Regt. Oct 66 - Oct 67

Name: Richard Scalia Sr.
Email: rscalia01@msn.com
Date: 21 Jan 2001


You did a grest job on this web site. I was with the 78th Engineer Battalion in Germany from 1965 to 1967.

Name: Jerry Beamon
Email: jerrylbea@aol.com
Date: 20 Jan 2001


Hi Bob,I'm Jerry Beamon,and I served K Trp.3rd Plt in June 69 thur June 70. I would like to hear from any of my K trp brothers.

Name: Chuck Zynda
Date: 18 Jan 2001


1st of the 5th Mech B Co. DMZ Quang Tri 1971 WELCOME Home Job WELL Done

Name: Bob Hersey
Date: 18 Jan 2001


My dear friends, Thank you for your wonderful support of the Guest Book. Your entries are very much appreciated. To see even MORE entries, click on the button below. Allons! Bob Hersey

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Guest Book at Bob Hersey's K Troop
Copyright © 1999  by Robert A. Hersey.
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Revised: 12 Jul 2013