K Troop 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment

The Blackhorse In Vietnam 1966 - 1972

hosted by Bob Hersey


Photo On My Stationery

Thursday, December 5, 1968

Dear Mom & Dad,

Greetings once again from Vietnam.  Here it is, Thursday night and I'm sitting in the mess hall at base camp watching "Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea" on my new T.V.  Actually, it is all the cook's T.V.  We each pitched in $20 and bought a portable, battery operated T.V.  It's a Sharp, made in Japan.  It comes in real good.  Of course, we only have one station here which comes from Saigon.

I have some good news.  The package which I thought was lost finally came yesterday.  It was not lost, only delayed and the flash gun is just what I need.   Thanks.

This looks like it's going to be a good Christmas for us after all.  The troop is out now but it will be back the 17th of December and we are not going out again until the 7th of January.  Our mess hall has been showing some great improvements lately.   We have or will have all brand new equipment.  When I first got here in April, all we had was a building and we were using our field equipment.  Now, we have a new steam table, cold table, frialator, refrigerator, toaster, coffee urn, dining room tables and chairs and we are suppose to be getting a new oven for baking along with a new gas grill.

Our mess hall is slowly beginning to take shape and we are finally getting civilian KPs.  We are suppose to get five.  Of course, they are all women.  So, things are really going our way.  We have two cooks out in the field with the troop and three back here at base camp.  Dave is here with me.  We fly the chow out to the troop from here.  It's basically the same type of operation as Long Binh.   The two cooks that are in the field will stay there until this operation is over so I won't be going out to the field until January 7th.

We have a steambath and massage parlor which is suppose to be open this Saturday.   So, base camp is getting better all of the time.  (editor's note: the next sentence is redacted for privacy).

All and all, things are going good and it should be a nice Christmas for me.  I also got your tape the other day and we played the Christmas music.  Dave said it made him sad.  On the tape you said hello to Blumenstock.  Well, Blumenstock has gone home.  He left about two weeks ago.  We have a new truck driver now and his name is Alligood.  He goes home a few days before me.  Since we got our new Mess Sargent, things have been going good for us.  He's a real nice guy.  A big change from Barney.  Sgt. Blackwell doesn't rotate until July so he should be here at least until I go.

Like I say, things are going good.  Come January, when we go out again, the mess hall will probably travel with the troop like we did in April and May.  Of all the operations, I like that the best.  We will probably be up around Cu Chi and Duc Hoa.

Oh well, Bob Hope has a T.V. special coming on so I will sign off..

By for now !


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