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K Troop, 11th ACR Vietnam,
hosted by Bob Hersey
is the proud 1st Place winner of the
1999 Military Web Wars Web Wars Competition..
K Troop, 11th ACR Vietnam,
hosted by Bob Hersey
is the proud recipient of
The Sgt. Fats' Gold Salute Award
K Troop, 11th ACR
hosted by Bob Hersey
has been chosen as a
Distingquised Site
by Military.com |
K Troop, 11th ACR
hosted by Bob Hersey
is the proud recipient of the
2001 Duty & Honor To Country Award
by C Troop 2nd Platoon, 11th Cav. |
K Troop, 11th ACR Vietnam,
hosted by Bob Hersey
is the proud recipient of the
2003 Patriot's Award
present by PatriotFiles.com
for outstanding military and patriotic content. |
K Troop, 11th ACR Vietnam,
hosted by Bob Hersey
is the proud recipient of the
2004 The Angry Skpper Award
present by The Angry Skipper
for excellence and honesty. |
K Troop, 11th ACR Vietnam,
hosted by Bob Hersey
is the proud recipient of the
2004-05 Wildguns Gold Award
present by Wildgun
C Trp. 11th ACR 2nd Plt. |
K Troop, 11th ACR Vietnam,
hosted by Bob Hersey
is the proud recipient of the
2008 Australian Artillery Vietnam Award Of
present by Peter T.
For Outstanding Work In Promoting K Troop's Service In Vietnam |
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