24th Annual
Reunion Register

Hyatt Regency Santa Clara, California
11th Armored Cavalry's Veterans
of Vietnam and Cambodia
September 9th - 13th, 2009
Santa Clara, California is this
year's site of the 24rth Annual Reunion of the 11th
Armored Cavalry's Veterans of Vietnam and Cambodia. The Hyatt
Regency, Santa Clara will be our basecamp and area of operations beginning
September 9th, 2009. Tickets are selling fast and it's important that
you get your reservations in now so that you have the best opportunity for a
room in the host hotel and a guaranty of a table for the banquets in the main
dinning room. So, register
now and all you will have to do is pack your duffle bag.
This year's quest speaker is none other than K Troop's own, John E.
Longhouser (MG, USA RET), who, in 1968, served as Commander of K Troop
when the troop was in Vietnam. The general completed 33 years in the
Army in 1997, with experience in Armor and Systems Acquisition. As
captain, he commanded K Troop, 3rd Squadron, 11th ACR from February to June,
1968. John is a familiar face around the K Troop table as he has
attended several of our reunions in recent years. He is a strong
supporter of all Blackhorse troops. It will be a delight to see him
again and to hear his address before the organization at the Saturday evening
Story, in part, courtesy of Thunder Run, From The Command
For more information about this reunion and how to register go directly to
the reunion page at the 11th ACVVC website now. http://11thcavnam.com/reunion/info.htm.
Watch this space for periodic updates.
K Troopers Who Are Schedule To Attend (updated
Schedule Of Reunion Events
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