29th Annual Reunion
11th ACVVC
- Las Vegas
September 3-7,

11th Armored Cavalry's Veterans of Vietnam and Cambodia
All-Suites Hotel & Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada
To Register
Go Here>
he 29th
annual reunion of the 11th ACVVC will be held in Las Vegas, Nevada
beginning September 3, 2014. The host hotel is the Rio
All-Suites Hotel & Casino. The guaranteed room rate for
single/double is $109.00 plus 12% tax if booked before Aug. 11.
Hotel reservations should be made directly with the hotel.
SEPTEMBER 3-7, 2014
Reservations must be made by August 11, 2014
Rio All Suites
3700 West Flamingo Road
Las Vegas, NV 89103
RATE: $109.00 SINGLE/DOUBLE + 12% tax
· Rate honored 3 days pre and post reunion
· No resort fee
Complementary parking
· Complementary in-room internet
· Complementary shuttle to the strip
registration fee is $95 per person if paid by August 16, 2014. Add an additional
$25 for registrations made after Aug. 16.
been 17 years since the Blackhorse was in Vegas. Nearly 1400
attended. Friday, Sept. 5th has been set aside as a day-long
trip to Ft. Irwin, California, the home of the Regiment. Don't miss
out on this great opportunity to reunite with your Blackhorse brothers and
to be a guest of the regiment at the National Training Center, Ft. Irwin.
To register for the Ft. Irwin day trip download
form here and mail to address on form.
See your
fellow K Troop attendees here.
Schedule of events go here.
For more information
about the reunion go
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