PFC - E3 - Army -
Selective Service
11th Armored Cavalry
20 year old Single, Caucasian, Male
Born on Aug 07, 1949
His tour of duty began on Oct 17, 1969
Casualty was on Jan 11, 1970
Hostile, died of wounds
Body was recovered
Remains Intered
Chapel Cemetery, Montgomery County, TN
Panel 14W - - Line 25
Explanation Of Terms

Do You Have A Remembrance Of This Hero? Post It By Clicking
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Jane Wall Mosely remembers Michael Edward
August 8, 2006
"I Love You"
Posted By: Jane Wall Mosely
e-Mail: jane@stormpay.com
Relationship: Friend
I dated Mike for three years. We were to be married. I loved him and miss him.
Today, I thought I would look up his name on the internet and just found this site.
Mike was a great and fun person. He loved driving and wrecked three cars
before he left for Vietnam. Thanks for this site as this is more information about
Mike and the day he died than I knew.
Jerry D. Lee remembers Michael Edward Darnell
July 3, 2006
"My Friend Forever"
Posted By: Jim Pendleton
e-Mail: carlea53@hotmail.com
Relationship: Friend
I'll never forget the day I met you in Quan Loi. You were assigned to my crew Track 22
Lead Scout Crew. I liked you the minute I first met you. SSG. Godfrey made you right
gunner. We became good friends, You left our track in early January to drive for another
crew. I tried to talk you out of it but you wanted to be a driver instead of a gunner.
I'll never forget that morning of the 11th. A soldier came to our track and told us
there was a man wounded bad and needed help. I went with him, even though it was still
dark as soon as I knelt beside you I knew it was you. We carried you back to my track with
the other wounded. The Lt. told us a helicopter was on the way. I held a
strobe light but the pilot refused to land and we were forced to move to a new location
where he would pick up the wounded.
Finally we had you out of there. I prayed hard that you would be okay but word came
that you never made it. There has never been a day since that I don't think of you. My
heart hurts for you. Knowing you changed my life forever I will always love you as a
brother. I look forward to the day we get to meet again.
Jim Pendleton remembers Michael Edward Darnell
May 29, 2002
"The All American Kid"
Posted By: Jim Pendleton
e-Mail: pendletn@emerytelcom.net
Relationship: Buddy
Michael and I arrived in country the same day. We were soon close friends. I
remember the day we lost him. We were all upset because the dustoff had such a hard
time getting him out. It seemed to take for ever and then we heard that he did not
make it. Man, what a shock that was. Darnell was a guy that seemed to have
everything to live for. He was a regular all American kid. He had looks,
intelligence and was just a real nice guy. It still hunts me why a nice guy like
that would die such a needless death! I for one will Never forget him!